What We Believe
CTA's core purpose is to support you in your mission to shine the light of Christ in this world. We pray that our products will help churches, schools and individuals all over the world proclaim the Good News of God's forgiving love in Christ. We believe these words from John 3:16 as truth:
God - the one, true God in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit . . .
So loved the world - loved each human being, despite the fact that no one has deserved His love; all have rebelled against Him and broken His laws . . .
That He gave His only Son - completely as a gift of His grace without any merit or worthiness in us and apart from any good works any human being would ever do or could ever do. Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, lived a perfect life in our place and died on the cross as our substitute, rising bodily from the dead and victorious over death . . .
So that whoever believes in Him - those who repent and believe the message of Christ Jesus and His cross receive the gift God's grace has provided in Christ. God has revealed this true plan for our salvation in the Holy Scriptures, His inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word.
May not perish, but have eternal life - God's gift of life begins here on earth, as His people respond to His love, growing in faith and service to our Lord, and it continues in heaven with our Savior after life on this earth ends.