By CTA – Christ to All
Today, I need a helper. (Select a volunteer.) Thank you. I’m going to whisper a phrase in your ear, and I’d like you to act it out. Then, I want all of you to guess the word.
(Whisper, “Walk like you’re angry.” Allow the helper to do so.) Who can guess the word? (Let individuals in the group guess.) That’s right! The word was angry.
Let’s do it again. (Whisper, “Walk like you’re sad.” Allow the helper to do so.) What word is it this time? (Allow volunteers to respond.) Good job! Yes, the word was sad.
Here is one last word. (Whisper, “Walk like you’re happy.” Allow the helper to do so.) Who can guess this word? (Allow volunteers to respond.) Awesome! Yes, the word was happy.
(Thank the volunteer for helping and have him/her sit back down.)
You were all wonderful at playing that game! Right away, you could tell how (name the volunteer) was feeling by looking at how he/she walked.
Now, here’s a tough one. If I asked you to “walk in love,” how would you do that? You might walk holding hands or doing some mushy, lovey-dovey things, right? (Allow children to laugh or say “eww” as they think about these signs of affection.)
Don’t worry. I’m talking about a different way to “walk in love.” The Bible can give us some help with this one. Listen to this verse from Ephesians: “Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us” (Ephesians 5:2 ESV).
Did you hear that? Jesus “walked in love.” Jesus’ love was not a mushy, gooey, lovey-dovey love. Jesus’ love was strong. It’s the strongest thing I know! Jesus love was so strong that he walked all the way to the cross! He let wicked people nail him to that cross. He died on that cross to take all our sins away. Then, Jesus rose from the dead to show his power over death. Jesus’ love is powerful! Jesus walked in love, and he still walks in love.
How about us? Do we walk in love? Well, think about this. Have you ever hit your brother or sister or friend? (Wait for response.) Hitting others isn’t walking in love, is it? In fact, hitting people is a sin.
What about this one? Have you ever said something mean about your friend? (Wait for response.) That’s not “walking in love” either, is it? Saying nasty things makes people feel sad, and it’s a sin, too.
We all sin in these ways—and in lots more ways. But do you know what? Our sins don’t change Jesus’ love for us. He loves you just as much right now as he did on the day he walked in love to the cross to die for your sins. We can say, “Dear Jesus, I’m sorry that I disobeyed my dad. I’m sorry I hurt my friend. Please forgive me.” And Jesus will! He always will! He will help us ask other people to forgive us, too. And he will help us walk in love when others ask us to forgive them.
Because Jesus walked in love, because he forgives us, we can walk in love, forgiving others, too.
Editor’s note: Click here to find Valentine’s Day or love-themed gifts for the children in your ministry.