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Malloy's 'no tax increase' budget sparks ideas to raise revenue

Report Reveals US Freed 2,000 Undocumented Immigrants


March 1, 2013

From:  The Federation of Connecticut Taxpayer Organizations
Contact:  Susan Kniep, President
Telephone: 860-841-8032





Michigan governor declares emergency in Detroit and will appoint a ...

manager (Video)



State set to takeover Detroit city government - Mar. 1 ... - CNN Money


@CNNMoney March 1, 2013: 12:51 PM ET NEW YORK (CNNMoney)

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder announced Friday that the state will take over the operations of Detroit's city government due to its long-standing financial problems.

Excerpt:  A week ago, a state review board issued a report saying the city faces a cash shortfall of more than $100 million by June 30, and that long-term liabilities, including unfunded pension liabilities, exceeded $14 billion. Detroit has been borrowing to continue operations and would have fallen about nearly $1 billion short last year if it hadn't issued new debt.


The takeover is short of a formal bankruptcy, but it will include appointing an emergency manager who would have many of the same powers as a bankruptcy judge. It could mean throwing out contracts with public employee unions and vendors that the city can't afford, and could lead to further cutbacks in already depleted city services.

Detroit has 10 days to appeal Snyder's decision that there is a financial emergency in the city. Snyder said he has a "top candidate" for the manager post, but that he won't announce it until after the appeals period has passed.

Snyder, a Republican, insisted the emergency manager is the best way to deal with the problems facing the city's operations.

"The current system has not been working. We have not stopped the decline," he said. "This is time for us not to argue or to blame, but to come together as Detroit, Mich., not Detroit vs. Michigan, and bring all of our resources to bear."

The U.S. auto industry, long associated with the city, has enjoyed a resurgence in the last few years since General Motors (GM, Fortune 500) and Chrysler Group went into bankruptcy and received federal bailouts. But the auto turnaround has done little to help Detroit's finances. While GM's headquarters are in downtown Detroit and there is still a concentration of auto plants and suppliers in southeastern Michigan, there are relatively few facilities within the city limits.

Related: Best car sales in five years

A week ago, a state review board issued a report saying the city faces a cash shortfall of more than $100 million by June 30, and that long-term liabilities, including unfunded pension liabilities, exceeded $14 billion. Detroit has been borrowing to continue operations and would have fallen about nearly $1 billion short last year if it hadn't issued new debt.   Continue reading this article at....


The Federation asks: 


Will Some Connecticut Towns/Cities Follow?


The State of our State is Not so Stately

 The 169 towns throughout Connecticut will be forced to dramatically increase property taxes as Governor Malloy shifts state aid away from municipal budgets while concurrently ending such programs as Pilot funding and prohibiting the collection of automobile taxes while providing no alternative resource.  His budget will push homeowners and businesses off the State’s own Fiscal Cliff  and into a cesspool of growing debt, deficits, and unsustainable public sector union contracts while he continues to march to the beat of the public sector unions as the self-proclaimed Son of Organized Labor.  Missing from the equation of the Governor’s budget, which has yet to be addressed by legislators, the news media, or municipal officials, is a frank and honest discussion of State mandates such as Binding Arbitration, Collective Bargaining and Prevailing Wage Laws.  Collectively these mandates are the primary drivers of state and local property taxes, 85% of which pay for the personnel related costs of Town and Board of Education employees. 

The Governor, in his last state budget, not only imposed the largest tax increase in State history of $1.5 billion, but also locked taxpayers into a 9% wage increase for State employees.  He also laid the golden goose of job security at their feet while Connecticut taxpayers continue to be thrust onto the unemployment line and homeowners lose their homes to Tax Lien Sales.

As the Governor proposes ending the collection of automobile taxes, he should immediately call for ending Collective Bargaining Laws and give the management of our towns and cities to those whom we elect to office.  Instead those management rights have been steadily chiseled away by arbiters in support of public sector unions as their wages, pensions and healthcare benefits have become unsustainable.  The Federation offers below further information with the following Invite to FCTO Meet March 23 to substantiate why the State of our State must now be addressed in an effort to keep businesses from fleeing Connecticut and homeowners from losing their homes to property taxes they cannot afford to pay.  



 Let’s Talk! 




Date: Saturday, March 23, 2013, Time: 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM

Location:  Wethersfield Library, 515 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield, CT

RSVP/Questions: Susan Kniep 860-841-8032, email:






TAXES A lethal weapon used by government and killing the finances and stability of Families and Businesses in CT and Throughout the Country
The Federation of - CT Taxpayer Organizations - Feb 6, 2013




1.35 Billion Dollars Paid To 45,500 State Retirees.

Highest Paid Over 269,000 Dlrs
The Federation of - CT Taxpayer Org - Feb 26, 2013




Invite to FCTO Meet March 23

Governors Budget Translates to High Property Taxes
The Federation of CT - Taxpayer Org - Feb 20, 2013




State Continues to Borrow Come Hell or High Water

Malloy Commits Millions of State Dlrs to Hedge Fund Whose Manager Was Paid 3.9 Billion in 2011 and Has Net Worth of 10 Billion Dlrs
The Federation of - CT Taxpayer Organizations - Jan 30, 2013



State of Connecticut Employees Earning 250,000 Dollars to 2,403,224 Dollars

In Salary and Benefits During Fiscal Year 2011
Information Obtained from - State of CT Transparency Website - Dec 2011




Malloy's 'no tax increase' budget sparks ideas to raise revenue

By Keith M. Phaneuf and Michael Gambina  Feb 25, 2013


 Excerpt:  Rep. Sean Williams of Watertown, ranking GOP representative on the finance committee, said he doesn't think Democrats will find the spending cuts needed to support tax hikes and said he fears it will be hard enough to eliminate the other revenue gimmicks in the budget. "There is never enough money for these folks to spend."

Former East Hartford Mayor Susan Kniep, who heads a coalition of more than two dozen community-based taxpayer groups, predicted most taxpayers wouldn't warm to Malloy's plan to offer the state's fifth tax amnesty program in 13 years.

These plans raise revenue by temporarily waiving interest and/or penalties, encouraging tax delinquents to pay. Malloy's budget would raise $25 million next fiscal year through an amnesty plan.

"Every time you give someone a break, the rest of us behind them are picking up the taxes they owe," Kniep said, adding that the frequency of these amnesty programs only encourages tax delinquents to hold out for the next one.

Read the entire article at


Gov. Dannel P. Malloy's proposed revenue plan for the 2013-15 biennium.