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School Pushouts: A Plague of Hopelessness Perpetrated by Zombie Schools

School Pushouts: A Plague of Hopelessness Perpetrated by Zombie Schools



Dr. Armand A. Fusco


This is the most serious socio-economic problem facing the nation and the state


For over 50 years this shame of the nation and education has remained as a plague upon its most vulnerable children. All reform efforts involving billions of dollars have not alleviated this scourge in our public schools. The rhetoric has been profound, but it has been immune to any antidote or action and it is getting worse; but it doesn’t have to be!


The 500 page book documents the dysfunctional educational conditions typically found in urban schools—deplorable low achievement, huge attainment gaps, and extremely high dropout rates (7,200 per day). The schools seem impotent in solving these problems that have existed for decades, and it is getting worse despite numerous and expensive reforms.


In essence, the Cotton Plantations (families held in bondage) have been replaced with School Plantations (children held in the bondage of failing schools with no way out except to dropout), and then the dropout crop is harvested by the Prison Plantations (80% of the inmates are school dropouts).


Yet, the solutions are simple and inexpensive as demonstrated by turnaround schools that defy the excuses that money and socio-economic conditions are the culprits. The resources needed are all available; however, what is missing is competent and courageous leadership. In the meantime, the plague of hopelessness remains to infect millions of children every year.


Governor Malloy's reform agenda, although well intended, can best be described as the —Brutality of False Hopes. Every reform effort over the past 60 years has failed to live up to the promises made and his reform agenda will follow the same worn path because it fails to identify the real problems with realistic solutions. This is the reason why there is reform after reform after reform.


Chapter 8 of the book describes the Connecticut Enigma. Since it went to press before the Governor's agenda was announced, an 11 page addendum has been added to respond to each of the reform proposals, and there is a huge caution sign for everyone. Unfortunately, the rush to pass the agenda fails to head the cautions because research evidence was not used to prepare the 163 page legislative bill created in less than 30 days; it can best be summarized as a tortuous task of reading a language foreign to any readers of the English language.


The book will be available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble within the next 2-3 weeks. It retails for $27.99, plus shipping, but copies can be purchased from Dr. Fusco (1563 Durham Rd, Guilford, CT 06437) for $25.00 including shipping; it will also be made available at the FCTO annual conference).




Read more on Dr. Armand Fusco, his books, and success…..



The Connecticut Enigma

Chapter 8 of soon to be released book titled School Pushouts A Plague of Hopelessness Perpetrated by Zombie Schools.
Dr. Armand A. Fusco - Former Superintendent of Schools - Aug 2011






Dr. Armand Fusco has Been Working to Improve the Accountability and Efficiency of School Boards.

Taxpayers and Government Officials Working Together Can Be Successful for the Benefit of Our Children.
The Federation of CT - Taxpayer Organizations - April 2010






To The Board of Directors of the Federation of Connecticut Taxpayer Organizations, Inc.
The Federation of - Connecticut Taxpayer Organzations - August, 2008