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From the Yankee Institute:

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February 26, 2012


From The Federation of Connecticut

Taxpayer Organizations, Inc. 
Contact Susan Kniep, President


Telephone: 860-841-8032


A Fine Line Between ‘Super PACs’ and Campaigns



8:41AM: It's been nearly two years since the Deepwater Horizon disaster, but the legal battle over the spill is just beginning. More


Gas prices keep climbing | Check prices



Teacher Ratings Aired in New York  By STEPHANIE BANCHERO Feb 25, 2012 Wall St Journal  The release of a trove of data evaluating New York City teachers on their ability to boost student test scores represents a potentially powerful new tool for parents to assess their children's public schools.


Live Chat on Feb. 27  Ask former D.C. schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee about teacher rankings and education policy. Leave your questions.


Nationally, teachers unions have staunchly opposed releasing such information, and even some supporters of linking teacher evaluations to student-test scores worry the data could be misunderstood or misused. If school districts across the U.S. were to begin taking similar actions, it could add to pressure on school administrators to improve or to remove their weakest teachers.In New York, the nation's largest school system, the teachers' union opposed release of the data on 18,000 public-school teachers. A state court ordered the release in response to a public-records request by The Wall Street Journal and other news organizations. It comes 18 months after the Los Angeles Times published a database, calculated by the newspaper, of teacher rankings in Los Angeles, the nation's second-largest school district.Read complete article at ……



Survey on teachers who don't belong in the classroom By Jacqueline Rabe Thomas Feb 24, 2012 11:35am  "We all know there are teachers in the classroom who don't belong there." That was the message Gov. Dannel P. Malloy brought to legislators this week to sell his education reform package to them. A survey released Friday by the New Haven education reform group ConnCAN indicates teachers and other educators agree. Fifty percent of the 400 surveyed responded that they agree there are ineffective teachers in their school who should not be teaching. Continued at …..



From The Connecticut Tea Party

3rd Anniversary Rally on Monday, February 27

Time:  11 AM to 1 PM, Place: Connecticut Supreme Court

front steps, 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford (across from the State Capitol)

Guest Speakers:   Martha Dean   and Peter Wolfgang




From the Yankee Institute:

Heritage President Ed Feulner Coming to Stamford

The Yankee Institute is pleased to host Dr. Ed Feulner on Monday, March 5, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at the Stamford Sheraton at 700 East Main Street, Stamford, CT.

The reception begins at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 and include hors d'oeuvres and free parking. Click to visit our site to register now. All questions should be directed to Jessica at (860) 282-0722 or


The Connecticut Mirror Presents...

Early Childhood Education: Connecticut’s Future  An Education Forum
Thursday,  March 8, 2012, 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
At The Lyceum, 27 Lawrence Street, Hartford, CT

Contact Paula Stabnick, Event Coordintor
The Connecticut Mirror


Register at ….



STOCKTON California City Would Be Largest in American History to Declare Bankruptcy

Corporate Pension Plans Want Relief from Congress. Muni Bond Holders Seek Gov Transparency on Pension Debt. Bankruptcy The Road Ahead and More  





Steven Greenhut: Bankruptcy may be only way … out for cities, states By STEVEN GREENHUT   Special to the Register  Feb 25, 2012  The problem in the public sector is that government never is allowed to fail. There never is a day of reckoning no matter how poorly government provides its so-called services.   Read complete report at




The Heritage Foundation on Social Security Reform: True Insurance for Seniors and Retirees  Our plan transforms the main federal entitlement programs - Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid - into real insurance programs. We provide financial security to retirees, guarantee assistance to people who need it, and reduce government payments to those who are truly prosperous. Read their complete report at


About the Heritage Foundation - Conservative Policy Research and Analysis  The Heritage Foundation is the nation’s most broadly supported public policy research institute, with nearly 700,000 individual, foundation and corporate donors. Continued at …..



3 of 4 GOP candidates would add to deficits - Feb. 23, 2012

By Jeanne Sahadi @CNNMoney February 23, 2012: 1:57 PM ET……a preliminary analysis by the independent Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget |     released Thursday estimates that the three candidates' plans could add between $250 billion and $7 trillion of debt over the next nine years. By contrast, the proposals of Ron Paul could reduce the debt by $2.2 trillion, the group estimated. Read complete report at



Who is The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) – CRFB runs a number of ongoing projects. Among them include US Budget Watch (, a project funded by Pew Charitable Trusts which has reported on important fiscal issues through and beyond the 2008 Presidential election. Through generous support from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation and Pew Charitable Trusts, CRFB also runs the Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform. Another CRFB project is (, which monitors the extraordinary actions taken by the government during the current economic crisis and puts out regular reports and releases on various budgetary issues. CRFB also runs the Fiscal Roadmap project, created to help policymakers navigate the country's serious economic and fiscal challenges.

Finally, CRFB's two most recent projects are the Moment of Truth Project and the "Go Big" initiative. The Moment of Truth Project is a non-profit, non-partisan effort created to use the findings of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform to spark a national discussion on the need to implement a comprehensive budget fix and to help further develop policy reform ideas to improve the nation’s fiscal outlook. Through the Go Big initiative, CRFB is working to urge the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to exceed its savings mandate of $1.5 trillion and enact a bipartisan, comprehensive fiscal plan large enough to stabilize and reduce debt as a share of the economy. Continued at ……




Crony Capitalism Corruption « The Talk Radio News Service  By Ernest Istook| Crony capitalism has turned into corruption of the free enterprise system. In crony capitalism, politicians give government grants, subsidies and advantages to their friends and donors. And the favored companies return the favor with political support and contributions. This corruption doesn’t hide in the shadows, but is trumpeted in broad daylight. One example is bailouts of banks, insurance companies, automakers and others. Another example of corrupt crony capitalism is the “green jobs” scam. The Solyndra scandal cost taxpayers over half a billion dollars. And so far reporters have tracked almost $4-billion dollars in green jobs grants that went to 21 firms with close ties to the Obama Administration. Continued at …..


Supreme Court Blocks Ban on Corporate Political Spending -  2010 Campaign Finance Ruling



Today, as the debate regarding the Solvency of Social Security continues, it is important to reflect on the impact of fraudulent Social Security Disability Claims.  The following articles written in 2010 and 2011 provide some insight into the issue.    

Social Security makes $6.5B in overpayments - WASHINGTONSocial Security made $6.5 billion in overpayments to people not entitled to receive them in 2009, including $4 billion under a supplemental income program for the very poor, a government investigator said Tuesday. In all, about 10 % of the payments made under the agency's Supplemental Security Income program were improper, said Patrick P. O'Carroll Jr., the Social Security inspector general. Continued at

Thousands of Healthy Workers Still on Disability: GAO - CNBC In the report, the GAO found that 1,500 people improperly collected disability payments even though they had federal government jobs. In addition, 62,000 private-sector employees in 12 states were healthy enough to get licenses to drive trucks or buses, even as they were collecting disability payments. All in all, in 2008, workers owed the government $10.7 billion for overpayments that were made by the Social Security Administration. Continued at



Banks Colluding with Insurers to Rip Off Homeowners, Lawsuit Alleges  by Cora Currier | @coracurrier Feb 24, 2012  ProPublica   A class action lawsuit against Wells Fargo and QBE Insurance sheds light on how homeowners may have been forced to buy more than $50 million in insurance premiums. As American Banker reported [1], a federal judge in Miami on Tuesday opened the door to a class action against Wells Fargo. More than 20,000 Florida homeowners can now sue Wells Fargo and an insurance company, QBE, for allegedly overcharging for insurance. More than $50 million in insurance premiums are at issue, according to American Banker. Continued at …..


More coverage: Foreclosure Crisis: Banks and Government Fail Homeowners



Bank Lobby Widened Volcker Rule, Inciting Foreign Outrage Bloomberg By Yalman Onaran - Feb 23, 2012 3:56 PM ET U.S. banks pushed regulators to widen proposed restrictions on trading and hedge-fund ownership by foreign firms, then encouraged governments around the world to complain about the rule’s reach. The two-pronged lobbying strategy resulted in foreign officials joining U.S. lenders to push back against the Volcker rule, named after former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul A. Volcker and incorporated in the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act. Read complete article at



POLL: NJ Taxpayers Want Property Taxes Cut First




Taking Stock of the Stock Act: A Side-by-Side Comparison  ProPublica by Lena Groeger | @lenagroeger The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act, or Stock Act, recently passed in both the House and Senate. The new law would make it easier for the SEC to prosecute federal officials from all three branches who trade equities like stocks based on nonpublic information they receive in the course of their duties. The versions passed in each chamber are similar, but have notable distinctions that will have to be hashed out when legislators from the two chambers eventually meet. We break down the main differences, with a real-life scenarios that illustrate activities the bill targets. Continued at …..



House passes emergency FOI fix  By Keith M. Phaneuf  Feb 23, 2012   The House of Representatives adopted an emergency fix Thursday to the state's right-to-know law that could break a legal logjam blocking the release of voter lists and other omnibus public registries. The bill would allow public agencies to release voter and property databases without the arduous task of identifying and redacting addresses of police officers, prison guards and other "protected" public employees. [How they voted]

But critics argued that the measure, adopted without a public hearing, is technically flawed, and offers little security to those employees hoping to keep their personal information private.




Chart: 'America’s Per Capita Government Debt …Worse Than Greece

Feb 23, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER   The office of Senator Jeff Sessions, ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee, sends along this chart, showing that 'America’s Per Capita Government Debt Worse Than Greece,' as well as Ireland, Italy, France, Portugal, and Spain: To View Chart click the following web link



Blast Injures U.S. Soldiers as Riots Rage in Afghanistan



Auto Bailout Now Backed, Stimulus Divisive  Mixed Views of Regulation, Support for Keystone Pipeline  Feb 23,2012    Pew Research Center for the People and the Press  …..The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted Feb. 8-12 among 1,501 adults, finds that 56% say the loans the government made to GM and Chrysler were mostly good for the economy, while 38% say the loans to the automakers were mostly bad for the economy.   Read the complete report at ……



From  The heads of the two teachers unions denounced the governor's plans to "intervene" in the state's lowest-performing schools, saying that doing so would mean a return "to the dark ages of labor history." Teachers' contracts would be "nullified" by the interventions, the head of the CEA said, and her point appeared to be supported by the legislature's nonpartisan research office, which said that such an action could leave the state "vulnerable to a court challenge."  The governor - following his pattern of pushing for change in multiple directions - also proposed a cutting back of funds going to the state's 18 smallest school districts, at least some of which are spending more per pupil than the state deems acceptable.   His call prompted a rebuttal by the first selectwoman of tiny Canaan, which spends $22,450 for each of its 139 students. "Our town should be commended for spending this much, for spending what is needed to provide an adequate education," declared Patricia Ally Mechare.   And the unions also did an about-face on their support of the governor's proposal to make teacher evaluations the yardstick for granting tenure.  As education write Jacqueline Rabe Thomas wrote, "But teachers unions are now asking: What's the rush to tie everything in education to the evaluations before it's proven that they work? Malloy's proposed bill would have a teacher's certification, tenure and potentially pay dependent on these evaluations."  Check out more news on Education in CT at



Property tax relief bill worries Iowa education leaders  By ROD BOSHART Journal Des Moines bureau Sioux City Journal | Posted: Friday, February 24, 2012  -- A House-passed plan to delivery property tax relief by having the state take over the full cost of financing public K-12 schools while backfilling lost local government revenue has education groups skittish. The plan has a $848 million price tag through fiscal 2022, and education officials remain leery of the state's recent rocky record of meeting it funding commitments. Continued at …..



Working families squeezed by housing costs in Connecticut


Check Out Previous Tax Talk Publications by the Federation at


State Budget Full Of Holes, Public Sector Unions Losing


Obama proposed budget a mixed bag for Connecticut