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July 24, 2018


From:  The Federation of Connecticut Taxpayers

Contact:  Susan Kniep, President



Telephone: 860-841-8032



Judge agrees to delay Manafort trial until next week


MSNBC Reports

What to expect from Paul Manaforts trial


Bloomberg News reports


Manaforts Bankers, Bookkeepers Could Testify at His Trial


Democratic Consultants to Get Dragged Into Manafort Trial

Reuters reports

Judge agrees five Manafort trial witnesses may testify with immunity




Reuters reporter says Myanmar police planted secret papers


Shoon Naing Simon Lewis World News July 23, 2018



YANGON (Reuters) A jailed Reuters reporter told a court in Myanmar on Monday that documents he is accused of breaking state secrets laws to obtain were planted by a police officer who handed him papers he had not sought in order to entrap him. The officer had then lied to the court about what happened he said.







As Christine Stuart of reports Connecticut Insurers Pitch 12.3 Percent Average Rate Hike For 2019 Plans we also learn that Prisoner Sues For Access To Expensive Hep C Drugs. Therein, Stuart reports the following: Through attorney Ken Krayeske, the prisoner, Robert Barfield, filed a federal class action lawsuit last week against the state Department of Correction claiming his constitutional rights have been violated. The department is refusing to give him access to a drug treatment program that would cure him. Hepatitis C (HCV) is a blood borne disease caused by a virus. The hepatitis C virus causes inflammation that damages liver cells and is the leading cause of liver disease. It is a disease that can be spread and its now curable thanks to expensive drugs that range from $54,000 to $95,000 per patient per course of treatment. A typical course of treatment lasts 12 weeks. Continue reading Read more at Civil Liberties Health Care Public Health State Budget Criminal Justice Insurance


On Oct 14, 2016 in a headline by Beth Schwartzapfel captioned Why Some Prisons are Spending Millions on a Pricey New Drug Connecticuts prison system treats about 20 people a year with DAAs, each selected by a panel of doctors. My total budget is about $89 million to deliver healthcare for 16,200 people. Thats mental health, dental, medical, consults, surgeries, says Johnny Wu, medical director of the states prison health care system. To have a couple of million dollars tied up for hep C is a big portion of my budget. Continue reading at







It appears there could be more on the horizon which could result in

another negative impact to public sector unions in addition to Janus.


Read on


Janus is only the beginning



Steven Greenhut The American Spectator July19, 2018


Janus is a huge victory and the unions are smarting from it, but it will take other efforts to roll back the current level of pay and benefits, halt the pensionspiking deals and other giveaways, and get rid of the protections that make it impossible to get rid of public employees.


One of the most promising developments toward that end comes in an upcoming California Supreme Court case called Cal Fire Local 2881 v. the California Public Employees Retirement System. That case involves something known as the California Rule. It is not really a rule but a series of long standing court interpretations concluding that public employees can never have their vested benefits reduced even going forward. No one is proposing rolling back previously earned benefits but the only way to reform the system is to reduce benefits starting tomorrow. Currently pension deals cannot be reworked until all current employees and retirees have passed away.


Fortunately union overreach has pushed this matter to the states high court. Continue reading at Janus is only the beginning





ANALYSIS | Pension Shortfalls Loom Large; 2 Experts Talked Solutions With CCM At June Meeting


by Connecticut Conference of Municipalities July 22, 2018

Posted to Analysis Opinion Member Opinion State Budget Pensions


Jean-Pierre Aubry, an expert from Boston Colleges Center for Retirement Research, and W. Gordon Hamlin, Jr., president of Pro Bono Public Pensions and a 2016 Fellow in Harvards Advanced Leadership Initiative gave separate presentations on what was affectionately dubbed the 800 pound gorilla in the room Public Pensions. Continue reading at






State Comptroller Kevin Lembo helped to put Connecticut on the TRANSPARENCY map by instituting and promoting some of the best state transparency websites in the country. Visit OpenConnecticut , Transparency Connecticut, and Connecticut | Open Data | Open Data - State of Connecticut where you can research $$$ how, when and where your state tax dollars $$$$ are being spent.


Lembos latest effort is detailed within the July 18, 2018 article by Keith M. Phaneuf of captioned Lembo will oppose $10 M analysis of tolls but plan likely still to pass.


Therein, Keith Phaneuf reports the following State Comptroller Kevin P. Lembo said Wednesday he will not support Gov. Dannel P. Malloys proposal to borrow $10 million to fund a new analysis on electronic tolling. Opposition from Lembo and others on the 10-member State Bond Commission will likely not be enough to stop the panel from approving the funds when it meets on July 25, however. Lembo, who is one of eight Democrats on the commission, said the question of whether to restore tolls to Connecticuts highways should be resolved by the General Assembly. The Bond Commission should not act as a replacement for legislative action Lembo said. While the subject of electronic tolling and infrastructure funding as a whole is important to debate and discuss, I do not support financing this study through bonding without legislative directive. These decisions should be left to the next governor and legislature. Continue Reading →






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The Connecticut Business & Industry Association


For its Very Valuable and Informative Website!!!!



In the words of CBIA The Connecticut Business & Industry Association is fighting to make Connecticut a top state for business, jobs, and economic growth. A better business climate means a brighter future for everyone.


The Federation notes that CBIA, the Connecticut Business & Industry Association, provides businesses, taxpayers, and the general public with valuable information though its website at CBIA - Connecticut Business, Industry, Economy, HR. Here you can find a compilation of news articles and more providing insight into Connecticuts fiscal climate.


It is with deep appreciation to CBIA for making this information available to the general public and for their advocacy in promoting a healthy business climate in which Connecticut companies can prosper.


Visit their website often where you can Read more from CBIA on Connecticut Economy, State Spending, Taxes


The following is a sampling of what CBIA provides



What is Your Share of Connecticuts Debt?


Connecticut taxpayers share of the states debt jumped 8% last year to $53,400 according to a new report released this week.


Truth in Accountings annual Financial State of the States report says Connecticut has $12.1 billion in available assets and $81.9 billion in bills including bond debt and unfunded state employee pension and retirement benefits.

Financial decisions made by the states elected officials over the years have left Connecticut with a $69.8 billion shortfall, which equates to $53,400 for every taxpayer, the Chicago-based nonpartisan, nonprofit organization said. Continue reading at



High Costs, Slow Growth Drop States CNBC Business Ranking


High costs and a sluggish economy are the key factors behind Connecticuts slide in CNBCs latest annual Americas Top States for Business rankings.


Connecticut fell to 37th, a year after climbing 10 spots to 33rd in the cable networks annual competitiveness ratings, with declines in a number of critical areas. CNBC ranked the state in the bottom 10 in four key categories infrastructure (47th), cost of doing business (46th), economy (45th), and cost of living (43rd). Continue reading at


State Government Report: Connecticuts Economy at 2004 Level

Connecticuts economy is at the same level it was in 2004 according to a new state government report highlighting the states sluggish job and economic growth.

The July issue of The Connecticut Economic Digest, published by the Department of Economic and Community Development and the Department of Labor, says the states economy has declined 3.3% since the recession ended in 2010. Continue reading at


Inside the Capitol

Connecticut this week joined New York, New Jersey, and Maryland in suing the federal government over new limits on state and local tax deductions.

The suit, filed Tuesday in Federal District Court in Manhattan, calls the tax changes an unconstitutional assault on states rights.






Business Insider reports


Take an awe moment


This heroic dog who saved 12 people after an earthquake met her own statue and the photos are adorable

Frida is a Mexican rescue dog. Last year, during the earthquake in Mexico City, Frida helped rescue people who were trapped under rubble. The city decided to say thank you by erecting a statue of Frida and a first responder and her reaction was priceless. Read More

