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From: Susan Kniep, President

From:  Susan Kniep, President

The Federation of Connecticut Taxpayer Organizations, Inc. (FCTO)



Nov 22, 2007


Welcome to Tax Talk 111



And Remember the Boston Tea Party


Tax Talk 111 Includes:  


·         Recognition of our founding fathers and a Thanksgiving Greeting

·         State Rep. O'Neill to seek DeLuca's seat

·         Governor Rell Announces Dates, Times for Economic Strategic Plan Meetings

·         Nov 26, 2007 - Armand A. Fusco, author of the book “School Corruption: Betrayal of Children and the Public Trust,” will speak about public school waste at 7 p.m. at the Public Library of New London.

·         Acknowledging State Rep O’Neill’s Participation in FCTO’s Forum on Property Tax Reform and the Introduction of his Legislation to Cap local Property Taxes.  

·         Acknowledging Mike Guarco’s Participation in FCTO’s Forum on Property Tax Reform and the efforts of the Consortium for Fiscal Responsibility.  Learn of the Consortium’s success!

·         An opportunity to say thanks to our troops in Iraq.




Happy Thanksgiving


The Federation of Connecticut Taxpayer Organizations, Inc. (FCTO)


At this time of year, we have an opportunity to consciously reflect upon our forefathers and their sacrifices made in an effort to establish a country free from religious persecution, government suppression and excessive taxation.


 As we reflect upon all that we have to be thankful for, we recognize Thanksgiving as an American heritage and symbol which began in October, 1621 at Plymouth as the   Pilgrims celebrated their first harvest, and which continued throughout subsequent years.  During the American Revolution in the late 1770's, the Continental Congress proposed a national thanksgiving.   Thanksgiving was ultimately proclaimed an annual national holiday in 1863 by then President Abraham Lincoln.   


 Our forefathers were men and women of conviction who worked hard and fought hard for a government which they would control.  They knew the effects of excessive taxation, and on December 16, 1773, in an act of defiance, set the stage in history for what came to be known as the Boston Tea Party.


Today, there is a taxpayer revolution growing throughout this country driven by  excessive taxation and eminent domain abuse.  Law abiding citizens who cannot continue to pay exorbitant property taxes are losing their homes as tax liens are sold by municipalities.  


The Federation of Connecticut Taxpayer Organizations, individual taxpayer groups in towns throughout the State and the Country, government officials who comprise the Consortium for Fiscal Responsibility, and other concerned taxpayers and activists are working hard to constrain government spending and improve the accountability of the spending of our hard earned tax dollars while attempting to end government mismanagement and corruption. 





A Special Thank you to FCTO Board Member Judy Arons

for the following News Alert


Governor Rell Announces Dates, Times for

Economic Strategic Plan Meetings


            Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that a series of regional forums will be held around Connecticut, providing the public with an opportunity to share their views on the future course of the state’s economy.



            The discussions are planned as called for in Public Act 07-239, An Act Concerning Responsible Growth, which spelled out Governor Rell’s plans for growing the state’s economy while preserving and enhancing Connecticut’s natural treasures. Part of the new law, signed by the Governor in July, requires the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) to develop an economic strategic plan by July 1, 2009. As part of that mission DECD will host 10 regional forums in order to engage the public in the planning process.



            “This strategic plan is important because it will serve as a blueprint for state policy and include recommendations on how Connecticut’s industries and workers can successfully innovate, grow and compete in the global economy,” said Governor Rell. “These forums are a key part of the process because they will allow citizens, business and advocacy groups, regional planning organizations, and others to have a voice in shaping the future direction of our great state.  DATES AND LOCATIONS CAN BE FOUND AT THE FOLLOWING WEBSITE:





Nov. 26, 2007 at 7 PM 


Armand A. Fusco, author of the book “School Corruption: Betrayal of Children and the Public Trust,” will speak about public school waste at 7 p.m. Nov. 26 at the Public Library of New London.

Event Organized by LOT - Looking Out for Taxpayers.

Armand Fusco, of Guilford, is a former teacher, served as superintendent of schools in Hadley, Mass., and in Branford, and is author of the column “Inside Education,” which appears regularly in several shoreline newspapers. He founded the Parkside School and Academy for special-education students and co-founded the Springfield Preparatory School.

Fusco earned a degree in education from the Central Connecticut State Teachers College, a professional diploma from the University of Connecticut, a master's degree from Columbia University and a doctorate from the University of Massachusetts.   Directions to Library at 63 Huntington Street, New London, Tel: 860-447-1411

FROM BOOKVIEWS:  Americans are laboring under the burden of ever-rising property taxes and one of the biggest expenses for which they are levied is education. At the same time, the quality of education in America has been in decline, if not free-fall, since the 1960s. Dr. Armand A. Fusco, Ed.D has written School Corruption: Betrayal of Children and the Public Trust ($24.95, iUniverse) and I recommend it to every taxpayer, parent, school board member, and legislator in the nation. Dr. Fusco’s resume includes beginning his career in education in 1958 and serving as superintendent of schools in Branford, CT until his retirement in 1992. This book is dynamite and, as Dr. Fusco notes, "For whatever reason, there are too many people involved with education dollars that feel they, rather than the children, are entitled to feast on and benefit from the education treasure chest." He has exhaustively researched and detailed the school systems from coast to coast that have cheated the system. He notes, too, that the U.S. Constitution makes no provision for federal involvement in education yet, today, controls the system throughout the nation. This is an important book that deserves far wider recognition.







Again, State Representative O’Neill demonstrated his commitment to Connecticut Taxpayers through his efforts to cap local property taxes.  His presentation was both informative and gave us hope for the future as we, as concerned taxpayers, continue our efforts to control government spending and improve government efficiency. 

State Representative O’Neill’s Bill captioned AN ACT LIMITING THE AMOUNT OF PROPERTY TAX LEVIED BY MUNICIPALITIES can be found at the following website:




Click the following headline to read…

State Rep. O'Neill to seek DeLuca's seat

State Rep. Arthur J. O'Neill, a veteran lawmaker who chaired the 2004 impeachment inquiry into then-Gov. John G. Rowland, will run for the 32nd Senate District seat being vacated by Sen. Louis C. DeLuca.








The following provides insight into The Connecticut Municipal Consortium for Fiscal Responsibility as co-chaired by Mike Guarco.  FCTO’s website is being updated to include a section on the left hand side of the HOME page for all past and new information pertaining to the Consortium.   Attached is a pdf file denoting the various boards within the 169 towns which have signed on with the Consortium.       


Again, we congratulate Mike Guarco who has successfully assembled officials throughout Connecticut who are working to reform State Mandates to include Binding Arbitration.  Mike and his group have received public recognition for their efforts and are to be commended for their work on behalf of taxpayers throughout Connecticut.  We encourage taxpayers to urge their towns to join with Mike and The Connecticut Municipal Consortium for Fiscal Responsibility. 

Below Mike has provided us with an update of the success of his organization as well as information on how you can become involved and who to contact.


Have the boards in your town joined

the Consortium coalition yet?

How long can they....and you...afford to wait????


A Message From Mike Guarco,  To FCTO President Sue Kniep, its Board of Directors, and members of the underlying organizations:   This update to you comes from the Connecticut Municipal Consortium for Fiscal Responsibility, to highlight our spectacular growth this year..... and our plans for the future. We are thankful for the rapid stream of local boards joining our ranks from across Connecticut... and for those willing to actively press legislators.... both at the Capitol and, most importantly,  in the constituent towns back in the districts themselves.


The Consortium is a vast coalition of local boards  - ranging from Town Councils and Boards of Selectmen to those of Finance and Education - from across our state who feel that more attention must be paid to managing the cost side of the local budget..... and the mounting negative effects of state interventions in our local budgetary affairs that effectively emasculate a town's ability to manage major components of its own fiscal affairs. Left unchecked..... these intrusions leave those with nominal local authority in essence presiding over the demise of our own local government services..... as taxpayer discontent mounts and the state reneges on its own financial commitments to the towns.

The three-point Mission Statement of the Consortium group calls for:

  • Raising the cost thresholds under the prevailing wage statute from the current $100,000/$400,000 levels to minimally the $1 million level.
  • Leveling the playing field in binding arbitration by allowing an arbitrated settlement, if rejected by the local legislature body, to then be sent back into negotiations, rather than directly into the last round of appellate review, and
  • A prohibition of new mandates upon the towns from the state until the legislature meets its own funding commitment already existing on the books.


These planks are all common elements drawn from the platforms of the Ct Council of Small Towns, the Ct Conference of Municipalities, and the CT Association of Boards of Education. Hence, that allows us to claim the high ground in saying our position is then... pro-local government... pro-taxpayer... and pro-education. This is important in our ability to draw more support from town boards and leadership across the state... and in pressing the agenda with individual legislators.


Month by month...we grow.... as boards in the towns across our state vote to join us and endorse our Mission. Since inception nearly three years ago.... we have mushroomed to count 196 boards in our ranks...representing 115 towns. We expect to near the goals of some 250 boards represented ...from some 125+ towns... by spring. It takes time....but we have made steady progress in filling our ranks.....which enhances our ability to deliver a message that resonates from across-the-boards....across-the-parties... and across-the-state.


We appreciate the support from FCTO and the underlying membership. While continuing the recruitment campaign this spring, we will make our concerns known to legislators, and work with both sides of the aisle to craft legislation to help towns better manage the cost side of the budgetary equation. It is simply amazing that folks continue to vote in the liberal majority that is in effect shafting most of the traditional FDR base while serving it all up to the public employee unions and their allies. The traditional proponent of the little guy is, in effect, a major cause of why local program is being choked out of budgets while tax rates soar.


As discontent spreads across the state, a new majority will take shape in order to change this great imbalance. The Consortium coalition - made up of boards of elected officials from nearly half the towns in CT - will be one of the groups in this long-term war against the special interests and their ongoing plunder of the public till. Those from all parties must recognize the danger of the current system... and be prepared to do something about it. We municipal leaders need more support... from our brethren in other towns and on other boards, and from taxpayers and groups such as FCTO... to challenge the status quo in our attempt to right the ship.



Has your town joined with the Consortium yet?

We may be reached through the following members:



Mike Guarco, Chairman             Mike Zelasky, Chairman            George McLaughlin, Chairman

Granby Board of Finance           Lisbon Board of Finance            New Milford Board of Finance


Richard Burke                           John Adams, Chairman              Cal Heminway, Chairman

Oxford Board of Finance           Granby Board of Selectmen       Granby Board of Education          





Initial steps:  Secure endorsement from the Boards in your town: i.e. Finance, Education, Selectmen/Town Council 

Encourage the BOF Chair, or his designee, to participate in the development of county-wide associations that will combine to form a statewide network.

Long-range: Educate yourself and others on how and why reducing the slope of the cost curve allows more flexibility in providing program and reducing tax rate increases.

 Meet with your local legislators on these issues and let them know why change is important to your town, and townspeople

Be an advocate for the issues: Take the message to the Capitol, to your legislative delegation and others.

Testify when the call goes out on a useful bill relating to our agenda.

In summary, help us to broaden the Consortium roster by securing support from town boards that agree with our mission.  Their support is very important and that of the Finance Chair is vital.

 If you would like to become more active, you are most welcome to join us in reaching out to those in other towns and spreading the message.  Please feel free to contact any of those listed above. 


From a friend of FCTO


Something  Cool that Xerox is Doing! 

Send a Thank You Card to a soldier currently serving in Iraq.   

If you go to  this web site, you  can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq .  You can't pick who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed  services.

How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we  know to send one!!! This is a great site.  Please send a  card.   It is FREE and it only takes a  second.

Whether you are for or against the war, our guys and gals over there need to know we are behind them!